Sensuality coach. Relationship & Intimacy coach. Erotic dancer and artist.

Taneesha sijmons

Through the deeply transformative concepts and arts of sensuality, intimacy, love, body work, movement and eroticism I guide and help souls to deepen the relationship with themselves, their partner(s), their bodies and sexuality and their sensual self-expression.

The Netherlands first Sensuality Coach

Since 2018 I empower and guide souls to reclaim their erotic power, release shame and fear and feel more confident expressing their sensuality and sexuality through my sensuality embodiment sessions, and I educate on intimacy, sexuality, self love and sex work through my online platform, which led me to step into the field of Relationship Coaching in 2022 and combine my love and interests for sensuality, intimacy and relationships.

On my journey towards finding myself and finding happiness, I quickly became aware of how so many individuals, like myself, had tons of (self)-judgments around their expression of sensuality and sexuality. I wanted to feel free to finally be my true authentic self โ€” my sensual self, explore my sexuality and heal my trauma responses of people pleasing and being codependent in relationships.

I started sharing my journey on Instagram and in 2018 created my Sensual Goddess Dance Classes to provide a safe space for others to explore their sensuality and break free from all these external judgments, together. And in this journey Iโ€™ve inspired many others to search for their own freedom of self-expression.

In 2022 I rebranded my sensuality coaching practice to The Sensual Journey and I completed my study in Relationship & Systemic Coaching and added to my coaching business guiding and helping couples and singles towards deepening their relationship and the intimacy between each other and/or future partners through systemic therapy, imago dialogue, mindfulness and tantra, taoism and intimacy practices.

Before I embarked on my own sensual and intimacy journey, I dealed with a lot of childhood traumaโ€™s, anxiety, perfectionism, post-partum depression and shame + confusion around my womanhood and sexuality. I searched for love and happiness everywhere besides myself, let others misuse my love and energy to feel worthy of receiving love but kept on feeling a huge void inside me.

My breakthrough came 1,5year after giving birth, when I was at my lowest point. How could I teach my daughter how to be happy and confident in herself, if her mother didnโ€™t even know herself and felt not worthy of being loved?

Within 4 years I transformed my life, my mind and the relationships with my body, my sensuality, my sexuality and within my intimate relationships and I couldnโ€™t feel more connected and in touch with all these beautifully divine and multi-dimensional parts of myself. Life and healing is a never-ending process but to be in a space where I can finally feel free and embrace myself for who I am and become the woman that I was destined to be, has been the most beautiful journey I have ever embarked on.

work with me

Sensuality Coaching

I work individually as facilitate workshops for beautiful women, femmes and non-binary souls who are deeply craving to discover, explore and dive deeper into their sensuality and the freedom of expressing their sensual bodies.

Through an energetic and holistic approach, I help you access your inner power to rewire old (conditioned) beliefs and heal blockages and stored trauma.

And through embodiment work, breath work, mindfulness and sensual movement therapy, I encourage and guide you to deeply transform how you show up your life and relationships.

Relationship &

Intimacy Coaching

For couples and singles who desire guidance, tools and new perspectives to deepen the intimacy in their relationship and sex life, work on healthier and safer communication and/or work through blockages, disconnection or differences in needs and desires.

My space is open for both heterosexual as queer couples & singles and through an holistic approach, I include both cognitive as systemic therapy and use methods from tantra, mindfulness and sensuality.

Erotic Work

My erotic work and art centers deep emotions, awakening desire, emotional and physical intimacy and the powerful and healing forces of sensual and erotic energy.

My work and the experiences I create are deeply transformative to those who are open and ready to experience something deeply intimate and highly vibrational.

Intrigued? Take a look inside and book me for erotic dance and pole dance performances for events or special private celebrations, artistic nude modeling for projects and videoshoots or for writing erotica stories.

I want you to feel free, empowered, sensual and deserving of all pleasures that life has to offer you!

I want to guide you, gently and on your own pace, towards full embodiment of YOUR authentic self, however that will be expressed. Because everything you need, is already within you, just waiting for you to acknowledge it and let it be free.

Mediakit Taneesha sijmons


Follow my work on Instagram @taneesha.savanna